Showing posts with label antioxidants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label antioxidants. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Weight Loss- Power Foods 2

I will again try to list a few food items which can be easily made available in the day to day meal. When I started to become calorie conscious I started the wrong way. I started with what not to eat but it soon started to feel like I have no options to eat. So, want people o find out what to eat before what not to eat. If you know what you eat the not to do would automatically follow. I am a foodie & like different types of cuisines & food, so I know how difficult it is for people to stop eating. The concern should be 'What to eat' & 'How to eat'.

1. Eggs: We all know that eggs are great source of nutrition to the body. Egg whites are great source of lean proteins but mind you egg yolk is equally important. You might say that it has cholesterol in it then how can it be good, and you are right because that's what earlier research use to say. But in new research it has been found that egg cholesterol is an important part of providing dietary cholesterol which has been seen to lower LDL (bad cholesterol). Also eggs are good source of Vitamin D, Vitamin B (B6, B12, riboflavin, folate & choline) and Omega 3 fatty acids & 7g proteins (half in egg white & rest in the yolk). Eggs can be made in different recipes & can be very tasty. Avoid use of saturated fats while cooking the egg, that will only have negative impact. Boiled, poached, baked, fried (in lite olive oil) enjoy it as you wish.
Eggs for weight loss

2. Apples: As the old saying goes "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". Please don't substitute it with the apple juice, I know it tastes great but you miss a good portion of the fiber present in the whole fruit. The fruit has good amount of vitamins & minerals. The fiber present helps clear cholesterol from bloodstream & slows down the absorption of carbohydrates in the body thus controlling release of sugar into the bloodstream. Nowadays apples are sprayed with wax to give a glossy shine which also attracts more pesticides & chemicals, so peeling is a good option though some good fiber may be gone with the peel.
Apple for weight loss
3. Carrots: A very easily available vegetable in the winters. It has a great amount of fiber content, out of which most is soluble a chemical called calcium pectate. This soluble fiber easily reduces blood cholesterol levels. Also the Vitamin A present in carrots can not easily be found in most other competition. It has been known as a strong anti-oxidant & helps prevents cancers stomach, cervix, uterus etc. Eyes will also be benefited & cataract can be delayed by having good amount of carrots. You can enjoy the same in salads & different dishes (Gajar Ka halwa not suggested ;)).

Carrots for weight loss

4. Dairy Products: Dairy products are important in our day to day diet. The choice of the product used is of essential concern in the case. Milk, yogurt & cheese (not many options in India) are good source of Calcium, proteins, Zinc and some Vitamin B complexes. Dairy products also are source of high fat & calorie intake so the variants to be chosen are the low fat ones. It's also seen that the low fat or skimmed milk has more protein & Calcium compared to full fat milk. The calcium is believed to break down the body fats. And whey protein, linoleic acid are already known for healthy muscles & reducing fat.
Dairy product for weight loss

5. Almonds: Nuts are great snack between meals, though many would say that it is high in fats & high calories. It is not so true because actually the calories estimated in almonds are much lower. Also the fats present are again healthy fats required by the body. And nonetheless the Vitamin E in Almonds is very high which is responsible for good skin & hair. A snack of almonds satisfies the hunger (high fiber keeps you full) & also provides with good benefits. The calories present are not very high but enough to satisfy the mid meal hunger & prevents over eating at meals.

Almonds for weight loss

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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Weight Loss- Power Foods

Hi Friends!! I am looking for some responses about the content I am writing, it will help me to improve my posts. Well this one talk about foods which have proven in reducing fat in the body. These foods are considered as power foods. These foods are available very easily & can be added to our daily diet easily and help us with the weight loss plans. Well listing down a few which I know:

1. Peppers/ Chilies: Chilies provide a great source of Capsaicin, this is the chemical which provides the pungent characteristic to the peppers. This induces a food generated thermogenesis which converts a part of the meal to heat immediately. There could be many people who cannot have very spicy food for them the alternative is bell peppers. It also provides with colorful & flavorful taste. It can be taken in simple preparations without much hassle.
Chili for weight loss
2. Lemon/ Lime: In some places it can be known as a lemon diet which has shown incredible effect on weight loss. It helps energize & cleanse your body thereby removing toxins (Simply known as DETOX). It also helps you maintain blood sugar levels at normal. This very simple ingredient has the quality to slow down the process of breaking down carbs thus regulating the blood sugar levels.
lemon for weight loss

3. Sweet Potatoes: Surprisingly to most of the people sweet potato has a very good effect over weight loss & maintaining blood sugar levels. The vegetable has very less calories which are obtained from carbohydrates & not fats. It has small amount of protein & high fiber content which helps in the daily roughage requirements. Needless to say fiber helps the system clean & promotes cardiovascular activity, makes your tummy full. In latest research it has been seen to contain a compound named anthocyanin which acts as a great antioxidant. It increases metabolism & promotes weight loss.

sweet potato for weight loss
4. Ginger: This is the most common ingredients in an Indian dish. Ginger is known for its qualities to improve immune system & anybody who has had cold must have been advised from time to time to have ginger tea or ginger with salt. But lesser known facts includes its effect on the blood cholesterol level & also acts as a blood thinner thus helping reduce blood pressure. The compound gingerol present in the root is an anti-inflammatory agent disallowing inflammation of blood vessels. This increases the body heat & makes the body burn fats.

ginger for weight loss

4. Chocolates: Now this one has always been my favorite in the list. It has been seen that a bar (2 inches typically not bigger than that) of dark chocolate (70% cocoa, not white & milk chocolates which have high sugar content) just before the meal controls craving for sweet, salty & fatty foods. This helps in reducing Insulin spikes which have been culprit to storage of sugars directly to fat cells. The high content of cocoa (high in flavanols) in dark chocolates has been seen to possess great anti-obesity & anti-diabetic activity.

dark chocolates for weight loss

This is a huge topic & can be written in extents. I will be coming up with more on this topic in coming days. Do share your thoughts on this topic. Thanks!!