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Showing posts with label abuse. Show all posts

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Deal with Depression

Hi Friends! We live in a fast paced world today & if we do not run equally fast we tend to lose the race. With amazing technology revolution we have made our lives easy. But in this rat race we have lost one important thing in our life happiness & peace. We have so much in our head that we do not have space for happiness. There are times of ups & downs in our lives but if you are constantly feeling low & not feeling to do anything it is a sign of depression. It makes life very difficult to deal with, you don't find any interest in anything around you, even things which matter to you do not make you happy. Things can get better with help, we need to understand what it is, why it happens & how to overcome it.

What is Depression?
We hear in day-to-day conversation about people being depressed, though literally they just might be sad about something. Sadness & depression are not one and the same. A person might not be sad if depressed, there are different feelings experienced by different individuals which can be from sadness, hollowness, emptiness, apathy, anger, aggression, or restlessness. It is a psychiatric syndrome which eats up your happiness & interest towards life. It makes your life look pathetic without any sense of relief. The symptoms can vary like insomnia or oversleeping, hopeless & helpless, things seem impossible or difficult to do, you don't find interest in things you loved, either you lose appetite or eat without stopping, you find small things irritable, and become more short tempered or aggressive. Also there are tendencies of suicide as you don't find any reason to live.

What causes Depression?
The causes of depression may vary from life events to genetics. The some commonly understood causes of depression can be:

Past life events like problems in family, physical or sexual abuse, unequal treatment by parents, neglect which can cause troubles in later life. 
Events like job loss, divorce, death in family, emotional troubles & also sometimes happy events like new relationship, new job. Isolation from society or family.
Certain medications have shown negative effects on depression & taking such medication should be done under supervision of medical practitioners only.
Prolonged illness like diabetes, chronic pain, sleep apnea, cancer etc can trigger depression.
Genetic inheritance can increase the risk of depression, it has been seen as a complex function of genes.
Substance abuse like drugs & alcohol are a large percentage.

How to Overcome Depression or Treatment?

Seek Professional Help: There are effective treatments like therapy and medication which can help you recover, and it is important to understand the options & seek help as this is a medical condition and you might not recover from it naturally.

Talk to Trusted People: These people know you & understand you, they will lend a listening ear. Share your feelings with them, they might not be able to help but you will have a strong support system.

Join Support groups: There might be many like you who are suffering from depression this will help you with advice from each other & experience from each other. It will help reduce your feeling of isolation.

Start Healthy changes: Eat healthy & opt for regular exercise in your routine. Make conscious efforts to reduce stress & challenge negative thinking.

Build Relationships: This will help you cope up adverse situations, it will allow an outlet of emotions. Socializing will help you come out of the shell you had built around you. To balance emotional balance is one key to overcome depression.

Life is very beautiful enjoy it & do not wait for things to change & stand up for yourself and make the changes yourself. Do not neglect yourself while doing other things because you are important.
Thanks alot!!