Showing posts with label hypotension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hypotension. Show all posts

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Hypotension or Low Blood Pressure

Hi Friends!! My today's topic is to address a problem which you might not have heard much about. Rather all of us are always talking about high blood pressure or high BP. Jokingly also people say do not take too much of stress else your BP would go up. Then why at all talk about Low blood pressure or Hypotension. There are many equally suffering from low BP like high BP and is equally dangerous. Many of us do not take proper care or understand the symptoms of low BP. First of all lets try to know what would be considered as low BP. Normal resting human adult blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. Usually this is not stable & can vary from 100-120/ 60-80 for normal human beings, if a persistent 90/60 mm Hg or below is recorded for a person this is considered as low BP.

The symptoms experienced by the person are dizziness, lightheaded, fatigue, nausea, hard breathing, palpitations caused due to decrease in arterial flow & blood pressure beyond a point, the perfusion of the brain decreasing critically. Sometimes the arterial pressure drops suddenly on standing after sitting, this is caused due to gravity which doesn't allow blood back to the heart & the cardiac output is reduced. The cause of this kind of condition is dehydration, prolonged illness, nutritional deficiencies, decrease in blood volumes, pregnancy, sepsis, toxins, some medication etc.

Some things a person should immediately take care in such a condition is
1. Drink more Water to keep yourself hydrated & Avoid Alcohol as its property is to make you dehydrated.
2. Change your body positions slowly, this would help in reducing dizziness & lightheadedness.
3. Eat food which have low carbohydrate content to help preventing the blood pressure to drop drastically after meals. Also have meals in small gaps.
4. Eat healthy food, to fulfill any nutritional deficiencies. Eat good amount of lean proteins.

Some foods which have shown positive effects on hypotension are:
1. Salt: the presence of sodium helps to increase the blood pressure but this remedy should not be taken for a long time, as prolonged high consumption of salt can lead to other functional problems.
2. Lemon juice: It helps body fight dehydration and taking it with a small amount of salt & sugar serves the purpose, also in the long run it does help in maintaining blood pressure also, avoiding problems of fluctuating blood pressure.
3. Raisins: They are considered excellent remedy in Ayurveda, soak them overnight in water & have them in the morning for a few days & you will see change. The same can be done with almonds also which has shown very good results.
4. Coffee: Caffeine as mentioned in my previous post has sight effects on blood pressure can help. Especially having it with meals help you fight orthostatic blood pressure which is caused due to gravitational forces.
5. Holy basil leaves with honey: Have holy basil leaves or tulsi in the morning with honey, this has been recommended in Ayurveda for years. Also it helps fight common flu & cold.

Thanks Friends, I hope this article would be of help.