Thursday, March 26, 2015

Diabetes & Foot Care

Hi Friends! We know that diabetes is becoming a very common disease in the society today, and high blood sugar levels over time start affecting the various organs of the body. Trying to throw some light over one of the common problems faced by patients of diabetes mellitus which is foot problems. Diabetes is responsible for ailments related to kidney, nerves, eyes, blood vessels etc. Immunity is also affected in most cases of these patients. Commonly foot problems are seen in patients which is due to damage to the blood vessels & walking and other physical activities can create abnormal pressure on the skin, bones & muscles. Normal sweat secretion & lubrication of the foot is reduced under diabetic conditions finally leading to foot sores.

Because of a weak immune system the healing process is affected in patients. The wounds can lead to bacterial infections of skin, muscle, tissues etc. These wounds take turn into gangrene, the slow absorption of antibiotics is affected due to poor flow of blood to these parts of the body. People with diabetes should take extra care of foot.
Diabetes Foot care is extremely important

  • You should learn to examine your foot regularly to recognize early signs of diabetic foot problems.
  • Monitor your blood sugar levels regularly and try to remain within the target range.
  • Wash your feet regularly & dry them carefully.
  • Apply moisturizer to your feet to avoid drying & cracking of skin.
  • Do not let your shoes trouble you. Wear right shoes of correct size, blisters & burns in foot can be a serious problem.
  • Poor circulation of blood can cause troubles so wiggle your foot & legs in intervals of 5 mins.
  • Do not use extra hot or cold water or therapy on your foot. It can cause trauma & can lead to internal damages without your knowledge.
  • Do not smoke. tobacco can cause damage to the blood vessels of your feet. The damage can interfere with your healing process.
  • Trim your toenail carefully avoiding any cuts etc. Do it with a nail clipper & not scissors for safety. If you are unable to do it ask your family members.
  • Avoid tripping, remove all obstacles which might be a reason for hurting yourself. Also avoid walking on uneven grounds to be safe.
These are a few tips every diabetes patient should follow for foot care. If anyone in your family suffering from diabetes, ensure they know about foot care. Enjoy a safe & happy day. Be Healthy!!

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