Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Fishy Story- Rohu

Dear Friends, my topic today is a tribute to my Bong friends who love to have a piece of fish everyday. The good news is you can enjoy it without any guilt. You can happily tell others a fish a day keeps the doctor away :). Mostly all fish have a good nutrient value but Rohu being a very common fish in our daily diet. Lot of people prefer only eggs & meat over fish but technically fish thrice a week is a better option. The presence of the following nutrients make fish an awesome choice.

Rohu is a good source of high quality protein which has been valued around 80. Fish protein should be banked upon as much as possible due to low fat and low carbohydrate content. The fat present in Rohu is low & is good for health. It is rich in Omega-3 fatty acid. The fish is usually full of different kind of minerals Iron, Zinc, Iodine, Potassium, Calcium & Selenium and such kind of various minerals are very difficult to find in one source of food. Rohu is a river fish & is known to be rich in  Vitamin C, it keeps diseases like cold & cough away.

Apart from this fish & brains are correlated. It is said a fish eater has a better memorizing & analyzing skills along with fewer occasions of mood swings. Also antioxidants in fish are believed to fight cancer to a great extent.

I hope this would be an interesting short read. And hope all the fish eaters will have more reasons to enjoy it.

Rohu fish has loads of benefits

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