Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Whiten your Teeth at Home

Friends, all of us want a beautiful smile, and teeth should look great to smile freely. We try to take care of teeth by lots of means brushing, flossing, but still sometimes we do not get stain free teeth. I am sharing three home tips which can brighten your teeth.

  • Baking Soda & Lemon Paste: Make a paste & put it on the toothbrush, apply it on your teeth & leave for a minute. Wash it off as any excess use can affect the enamel & gums. Ensure wiping your teeth before applying the paste.
  • Orange/ Lemon peel: Use it regularly at night before sleeping it will lighten your teeth, the presence of Vitamin C & Calcium helps fight microorganisms.
  • Eat crunchy fruits: Eat fruits like apples, strawberries, helps clean the teeth due to the presence of malic acid it removes stains on teeth. Also it helps clean your teeth by removing the bacteria & left over food.
Yellow teeth no more

Keeping the post short.. Try these to get a beautiful smile. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. Dental healthcare is one of the most expensive treatments. This is the precise reason there is an increase in dental medical tourism specially in India. I came across this video of where a patient from Australia shares his experience at Dentzz.
